Veni, Vidi, Vici: The Life of Julius Caesar
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Composed by Rob Stein Percussion by Matt Moore
In “Veni, Vidi, Vici,” we explore the life of Gaius Julius Caesar with great historic accuracy, from his rise to the Roman Office, to Egypt, back to his tyranny in Rome. This show has unlimited visual potential and will easily carry the theme from beginning to end. The professional narration and effects throughout adds another element to the performance, making your audience feel like they are part of the show.
1. Rise to Office, War, Dictatorship
Caesar’s rise to office and victory in Gaul lead the way to his self declaration of power.
2. Cleopatra
Caesar chases his enemy Pompey to Egypt where he meets Cleopatra and they bear a child. The preferable solo instrument here is soprano saxophone.
3. Death to the Tyrant
Caesar returns from Egypt and declares himself dictator for life. At this point, the Roman Senators decide they must destroy Caesar for the good of the Republic.
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